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Meet the kids!
I have now been at living at the HIM Nutrition Center for three weeks. We currently have four malnourished children living here. Our newest arrival came yesterday. There are several other families we have been in contact with who SHOULD bring their child or children here. Unfortunately, the parents don’t always realize the severity of the sickness. Just to clarify, when a child comes here, it means they live here. I reailzed today that some of you may not realize this. So we are basically with them 24/7. It is fun and rewarding, yet challenging and draining at the same time. I am learning a ton. Keep in mind, not only are we nourishing them, but in a sense we are raising them, disciplining them, teaching them, etc. All the while, in a different language. Believe me, this adds another whole element!
Currently, we have Denis, Shelly, Aura, and now Thelma. Denis and Shelly are both four and are cousins. Aura turned two recently. Thelma is 11 months. Coming from a non mother, I tend to think that ALL of them are in their terrible twos! No, really they are great kids. Of course they have their moments, but don’t we all!
Denis, well…Denis is a boy. (Although, he has one of the highest pitched screams I have ever heard!) He likes dirt and rocks and his most recent favorite is his toy carro, (car) that someone sent from the States. He tries to sleep with it at night. He has beautiful brown eyes and long lashes. They almost convince you that he might not be as mischievous as he really is, ALMOST.
Shelly is the inquisitive one. She asks what everything is, sometimes several times. She tries repeating the words and usually gets it right after the fifth or sixth time. She throws a lot of fits over seemingly nothing and we are working very hard to get her over this phase. Here she is wearing one of my hats! Denis and Shelly's grandma visits about every other week and we are chopped liver to them once she arrives!
Aura, is a monkey and a chunky! She LOVES to eat. You should see her come a runnin’ when we yell for any meal, especially Incaparina, which is a nutrient rich, warm drink they have before bedtime every night. She has just one dimple, but makes up for the lack of a second dimple in personality! She also has a laugh that could turn any frown upside down! I happened to be here in October when we discovered her in a mountain town called Quebrada Leon and realized her need for help. She has made great progress since being here. In her monthly check up this week, the doctor said that she gained 2.4 lbs, 2 cm in height, and 2 cm in circumference of her head. Having grown in height she is still just shy of being a “safe” height/weight ratio to be released. Aura's dad visits as close to every weekend as he can. It is fun to watch them interact, but usually takes a bit for her to latch herself off of one of us and onto her dad. What can we say? We are very loveable here at the Nutrition Center, sometimes, more appropriately named the Nut House!
Thelma, we are just learning about, but so far I refer to her as either Cheeks or Cheeks McGee. Her cheeks are by far her most prominent facial feature, which I have learned has to do with her form of malnutrition. At 11 months, she weighs in at just over 13 lbs. She has both a sore and a bald spot on her head from spending much of her life thus far lying on a bed while mom and dad both work 12 day in a row shifts, leaving the neighbor to come by and give her a bottle. She can not sit up let alone crawl or even push herself up if laying on her belly. She also has the signature brown hair with very dry blond tips which is another sign of her illness. We also have learned that she will have us up about 3 times a night for a total of close to 3 hours!
All of them love the camera and seeing their pictures on the digital screen. So snapping these pictures wasn’t too hard! Enjoy!

Above are the 3 amigos having a slumber party in my bedding as I was trying to make my bed! On the right, Aura hanging with me before bedtime checking my email. And Denis and Aura playing outside my room, most likely in an attempt to keep me from a much needed nap after they mentally and physically exhausted me!
What adorable kiddos! I hope they help you celebrate your b-day in style.